You can find on this page the United Kingdom (UK) airports map to print and to download in PDF. The map of United Kingdom (UK) airport presents details of location and international airports of United Kingdom (UK) in Europe.

Map of United Kingdom (UK) airports

Map of United Kingdom (UK) airports

The United Kingdom (UK) airports map shows location of airports in United Kingdom (UK). This airports map of United Kingdom (UK) will allow you to determine which airport you will used to leave or arrive in United Kingdom (UK) in Europe. The United Kingdom (UK) international airports map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

BAA is the United Kingdom (UK) largest airport operator, its flagship being London Heathrow Airport, the largest traffic volume international airport in the world and is the world busiest airports. Gatwick Airport as its mentioned in the map of United Kingdom (UK) airports, the second largest, is owned by Global Infrastructure Partners and was previously owned by BAA. The third largest is Manchester Airport, in Manchester, which is run by Manchester Airport Group, which also owns various other airports.

Other major airports in the United Kingdom (UK) include London Stansted Airport in Essex, about 30 miles (48 km) north of London and Birmingham Airport, in Solihull as you can see in the map of United Kingdom (UK) airports. Outside England, Cardiff Airport, Edinburgh Airport and Belfast International Airport, are the busiest airports serving Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland respectively.

Two airports in the United Kingdom (UK); London Heathrow Airport and London Gatwick Airport, are amongst the top ten busiest airports in the world. More than half of all passengers travelling by air in the United Kingdom (UK) currently travel via the five London area airports. Outside of London, Manchester Airport as its shown in the map of United Kingdom (UK) airports is by far the largest and busiest of the remaining airports, acting as a hub for the 20 million or so people who live within a two hour drive. Regional airports have experienced the most growth in recent years, due to the success of 'no-frills' airlines over the last decade.